8.2 CBO-level monitoring

Two methods are used to conduct monitoring at the CBO level. These are – periodic reviews and periodic field monitoring.

Periodic reviews are conducted on a monthly and quarterly basis at the BRC, CLF, and VO levels. Periodic field monitoring is conducted at the VO level.

The latter is coordinated and finalized by the CLF with the help of BEPC. The findings of these Periodic field monitoring are reviewed at the VO, CLF, and BRC levels every quarter.  And, the implementation plan for the upcoming period is developed based on the requirements identified in these reports.

Monitoring levelMonthlyQuarterlyAnnual
BRCReview CRP-EP group’s work progress against the JAP prepared    

(Refer to Annexure 4.4 for details on the suggested agenda for the BEPC Meeting)
Review CRP-EP group’s progress against JAP prepared and discuss findings of Community Monitoring with the CRP-EP Group.

(Refer to Annexure 8.2 to understand the suggested agenda for the Quarterly BEPC Meeting and the points to be discussed in the Quarterly Meetings)

Review Annual Progress against the Plan prepared

(Refer to Annexure 8.3 for the template to prepare Annual Action Plan)  

Review audited financial transactions

Finalise plan for upcoming year

CLFReview the progress made in the project against the implementation plan in their CLFs.

Monitor the status of CEF transfers and repayments made during the reporting period.  

(Refer to Annexure 8.4 to see the Finance Tracker)

Finalize and coordinate a plan for Community Field Monitoring for the period and members in charge of conducting the same at the VO level.

(Refer to Annexure 8.5– Format for Community Field Monitoring Plan)

Review findings of Community Field Monitoring presented by the respective VOs.

Review the progress made in the project against the implementation plan in their VOs  

Monitor the status of CEF transfers and repayments made during the reporting period (Refer to Annexure 8.6 for a CEF Tracker)

Conduct One-Time Physical Verification of newly established enterprises under SVEP  

Conduct the Periodic Monitoring of enterprises as per the Community Field Monitoring plan prepared and coordinated by CLFs.

(Refer to Annexure 8.5 to see a  Format for Community Field Monitoring Plan)
Review findings of Community Field Monitoring with the respective CLF bodies 
Monitor the status of CEF transfers and repayments made during the reporting period.