8.3 Evaluation of SVEP

Evaluation of SVEP involves gathering and analysing information to understand the progress, and effectiveness of the project.

   8.3.1. BRC Grading

SVEP envisages BRC as a one-stop facility for enterprise promotion in the block. For this to happen, there should be a constant improvement in the services provided by the BRC.

To understand the areas where the BRC requires improvement, a grading of BRC is conducted every year.  Based on the results of the grading, interventions are planned to improve the BRC.

A follow-up is done on the identified aspects when the scores are low.

Point to remember– The BRC grading should not be conducted by the stakeholders who are directly connected to the BRC like Mentor, BPM SVEP, BEPC, or CRPs-EP.  Instead, it must be conducted by any professional either from the PIA or from the SRLM

Refer to Annexures 8.7 and 8.8, respectively, to understand the BRC grading process and view the tracker for BRC grading.

  8.3.2 Yearly evaluation

We gathered in an earlier chapter that a dedicated committee of community leaders is placed in the BRC-EP to monitor the project.  Also, a group of consultants for enterprise promotion is selected, trained, and given handholding to support the first-generation rural entrepreneurs.

SVEP visualizes that the BRC-EP will become sustainable and function even after the four years of the project cycle. To assess this, the project warrants a yearly evaluation at the end of the four-year period. This is explained in the next chapter.

Refer to Annexure 8.9 to see the year-wise evaluation format to view the yearly indicators to be evaluated in the project.